Sunday, July 15, 2007


When will this worry inside me subside?! I spent $500 within a 20 minute period and I had to work about about a months time to get even that much! *sigh* all of my adult friends are probably laughing at my rant, but it's really depressing... I had hoped that I would have no financial worries and now I'm already considering a job during school. I cannot get over the fact that my mother asked me for $100 because she was short on rent? It seems totally pointless now that I've wasted my summer working two jobs just to have nothing to show for it by the beginning of the year. On a brighter side I found out that I got a couple hundred dollars from Competitive student grant thing. It was a nice surprise despite all this. I'm terrified about my meal plan I don't think I'll be able to afford it.... This is probably why i'm getting sick.

When will I stop worrying?

1 comment:

mrkreider said...

hey sweetie,

glad to hear you are still breathing. i couldnt get link to work until now. all is well here ready for year 11 at pbl. please keep blogging so i can stay informed. :)

mr. kreider